Today: Feb 14 2025
Remaining CO2 budget for 2°C global warming used up on:
Sep 10 2044
Remaining time:
19 years6 months23 days16 hrs.39 min. 1 sec.
Remaining amount of CO2 emissions to limit temperature rise to 2°C:
771.255.667.390.251 kg
Remaining CO2 budget following the IPCC Special Report SR 1.5 (IPCC 2018)
1.5° C = 350,000,000,000,000 kg (350 gigatons = 350 trillion kg)
2.0° C = 975,000,000,000,000 kg (975 gigatons = 975 trillion kg)
Please note: IPCC SR 1.5 increased the still available CO2 budget compared to earlier estimates. The budget available in 2015 (the year of the Paris Conference) is now 1084 gigatons instead of 750 gigatons. Thus the date when this budget expires jumped from 2034 (in an earlier version of this climate doomsday clock) to 2045.

00:00:00 have passed since you entered this doomsday clock page, and...

kg of CO2 have been emitted.
people more live on Earth.
kg of CO2 more will be emitted by the additional people .

Global per capita emissions

CO2 emissions
per person and year:
4,95 tons
emissions during the Paris conference: 4.83 tons
maximum eligible CO2 emissions per person and year in order to postpone the 2°C
limit to the year 2100:
1,25 tons
eligible emissions at the time of the Paris conference: 1,62 tons

Global climate doomsday clock - it is still time to achieve the 2°C limit.
Our contribution for more protection of the global climate.


Meet the team

M.Sc. Anna Schirpke
Research assistant
Greensurance Stiftung

Marcus Reichenberg
Greensurance Stiftung

Prof. Stefan Emeis
Greensurance Stiftung


Start of our campaign for COP21 Paris on January 12, 2015. Last update on November 07, 2024